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Woman killed two-and-a-half-year-old son to get lover, disposed of the body after watching Drishyam film

 In Surat, Gujarat, a married woman killed her two and a half year old child to get her lover. The police were also stunned after understanding the theory of the woman who murdered her son. The woman told the police that after killing her son, she learned how to dispose of the dead body after watching the film Drishyam.

प्रेमी को पाने के लिए महिला ने कर दी ढाई साल के बेटे की हत्या, दृश्यम फिल्म देख ठिकाने लगाई लाश

In Gujarat's Surat city, Nayana Mandavi, the mother of a two-and-a-half-year-old child, reached the police station with a complaint about her child's disappearance. After registering the case, she kept searching for the child for three consecutive days, but the child could not be found anywhere. When the police investigated the matter, only the mother of the missing child came under suspicion. After this, the police interrogated Nayana Mandavi, the mother of the missing child, and arrested her. 

Actually, this incident of murder of a two-and-a-half-year-old child started on 27 June 2023. Nayana Mandavi, a laborer at a construction site in Surat's Dindoli area, reached the police station complaining about the missing of her two-and-a-half-year-old child Veer Mandavi. The case was of the missing of a small child, so the police without delay started the investigation by registering a case of kidnapping along with the missing of the child.

Police searched CCTV, but the child was not seen anywhere

The police started scanning the CCTV cameras installed around the place where the woman used to work at the construction site. The child was not seen going out of the site anywhere in the CCTV. After this, it was decided that the child has not come out from the place where the woman works at the construction site. The police was asking the woman many questions regarding the missing of her child, but the woman was not able to give any satisfactory answer.

The police also took the help of a dog squad to search for the missing child. The dog squad did not even go outside the construction site. That is, the police had understood that the child had not gone out of the construction site alive.

Allegations were also made about the lover, when the police investigated, it turned out to be a lie

Meanwhile, the mother of the missing child told the police that she also has a lover, who lives in Jharkhand, who may have abducted the child. After this, the police also contacted her lover to pacify the woman and also traced her location, but her location was not traced anywhere near Surat. He told the police that he never came to Surat. In such a situation, another lie of the woman came in front of the police.

Strictly questioned by the police, the woman confessed to the crime

Now the biggest challenge in front of the police was that when the child did not go anywhere outside the construction site, nor had he been abducted by anyone, then where did he go. After this, the police started strictly questioning the woman who complained, then the woman confessed to killing her child. On where the woman hid the dead body after the murder, the woman told the police that she had buried the dead body in a pit.

Where did you hide the dead body of the child? Women lying on lies

The police got the JCB excavated at the place mentioned by the woman, but the body was not found. After this, the woman said that she had thrown the dead body into the pond. Thus, the police conducted a search operation in the pond as well, but the body was not found there either. After this, the police asked the woman in a stern manner to get her to reveal the truth, then the woman said that the dead body was thrown into the pit made for the toilet of the same construction site. On, when the police reached the construction site with the woman, the child's body was recovered there.

On June 27, the woman reached the police station with a complaint

Surat Police DCP Bhagirath Gadhvi said that on June 27, Nayana Ben Mandavi had come to the Dindoli police station with a complaint about the missing of her two-and-a-half-year-old child. The police had registered a missing case and started searching for the child, but the child was not found. After that, when the police suspected the woman, they strictly questioned her. The woman had confessed to the crime.

Why did the woman kill the innocent son? Told this reason to the police

When the woman was asked the reason for killing her son and hiding the dead body, she told that she is originally from Jharkhand. Her lover lives in Jharkhand, and told her that if she comes to him with her child, he will not accept her, if she does not bring the child, he will accept her.

After listening to the lover's words, the woman Nayana Mandavi killed him to hide the child. After the murder, how to hide the dead body after the murder and not be caught, for this he had seen the movie Drishyam and also watched many crime episodes.

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