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Sidhu Moose Wala's birthday is today. Know Unknown Facts About the Political and Musical Careers of Singers

Sidhu Moose Wala's 29th birth anniversary

How did Sidhu get into singing?

It is a big dream of every art lover to make a mark in the film industry. It is not easy for everyone to walk on this path, but some people not only walk on this path with their struggle but also create a different identity for themselves. In today's article, we are going to tell you about that star of Punjabi industry, who has made millions of people crazy about him with his voice.

sidhu moosewala birthday

We are talking about Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu Singh aka Sidhu Musewala. Very few people know that. The real name of Sidhu Musewala is Shubhdeep Singh. Today is Sidhu Musewala's birthday. Singer was born on 11 June 1993 in Musa village of Mansa to Bhola Singh and Charan Kaur. It is said that Sidhu Musewala was fond of singing since childhood and wanted to become a successful singer when he grew up. That's why he focused all his attention on his singing.

sidhu moosewala birthday

Talking about the career of Sidhu Musewala, the singer started his career by writing songs, but his journey from singing to politics took him ahead. On the strength of his singing, Sidhu had made the youth crazy at the age of just 29. People had also started calling him the heartbeat of young hearts. Even today it cannot happen that Sidhu's songs are not played in any party or marriage.

Talking about Sidhu's schooling, Singer completed his education from the government school in the village. Later he did electrical engineering from Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Ludhiana. After being successful in singing, Sidhu thought of venturing into politics and joined the Congress party in the 2022 assembly elections. However, like Gaiki, he could not succeed in politics and lost the election.

Let us tell you that the rising star of the Punjabi industry caught someone's eye and on May 30, 2022, Sidhu Musewala was shot dead. The assailants fired 12 rounds at his Thar jeep. Musewala died on the spot in the incident. Even though the singer is not with us today, his songs have immortalized him even today.

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